Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The "Perfect" Guy

So is there a such thing as the perfect guy?

There are no "perfect" people in this world because we all have our share of flaws and personal issues. However I do strongly believe that great men still exist who are deemed perfect in your eyes for you. It can be very stressful when you are single and dating and hoping that the person you are devoting your time to is "the perfect one" for you.

I have had my share of dates and sadly the biggest issue that I have ran across is men who have forgotten the beauty of courtship. They just flash how much money they make and hope that along with the extra dabs of cologne they are able to impress you.

This new breed of guys have been spoiled to the point that they do not appreciate anything you do for them. I blame that on all the sistahs giving up the goodies so easily for a get two for twenty dollar meal. These men don't believe in saying "Good Morning", "How was your day?" "Goodnight"...and so forth. Instead they sit back looking for you to approach them and do all the work.

Now let me add that this is not all men...its just some who are stuck on this unlearned level of adult puberty.

I believe that women to include myself do not want the perfect guy but yet simply want a guy who makes it obvious that he is trying to have more with you than a booty call. A man who misses you while you are away and is not afraid to show it. Many guys are so wrapped up in their ego and they don't want to drop that proud heart.

A woman will go out of her way many times to impress a heartless man unknowingly. Blind sided to the fact that although he is not perfect, he is one hot mess!  There are some who really need to go through a dating course because they are clueless. Ladies open your eyes to the red flags as they tumble in your lap.

You have to sit back and observe a person and their actions. Listen to their choice of words or how they respond when you ask questions.  Lots of shifting of the eyes and body represent someone who is uncomfortable and very highly creating lies to get you to drop the touchy subject when you inquire about your place in their life. Avoid guys who drag on an on about how he has been constantly hurt and mistreated because his wounds are still open and even though you mean him well, he will take his hurt out on you.
Avoid the jealous type...the ones who want to know every move you make and who you are with but you two are not even in a relationship. Avoid guys that are still in love with their child's mother, you know the ones who put her before anybody and are always running around on hands and knees for her even while dating you.

Ladies I see so much and I promise you if you pay attention to these signs...you will save some dissapointments and be able to find the right man.
Choosing the right man has a lot with choosing a man you are equally yolked with, by means of selecting the one who has the most in common with you.

Its so many things to watch for while you are in search of what is "perfect" for you. By perfect I mean....find a guy you are willing to accept, flaws and all, while you both grow together.

The perfect guy is not wearing the suit all the time or even clean cut all the time. The perfect guy is the one who cares about your heart and treats you as if you are the best thing to ever walk into his life. He will respect you and do all he can to show you that you hold meaning in his life.

Looks do not represent perfection....so while you wait and are approached by different guys on the dating field, be sure to observe his actions more so than his words.

The perfect guy only becomes perfect when he is viewed as right for you and your heart.

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