Friday, December 4, 2015

The Image In the Mirror: Self Love

I woke up to my usual routine of preparing for my day and I noticed something unusual standing in front of me. I could not understand how it was possible for me to have crossed this image I was seeing everyday and never truly take notice of it. Standing before me and looking back from the opposite side of the wall was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. I assumed maybe because I was always in a rush to get where I was going that I never really paid it any attention at all.

I saw me.

No, I really saw me for the first time.

I stared for a while looking at this bare faced individual. I stared deep into my eyes and admired my cheek bones, the color of my eyes and the shape of my nose. I stood bare before the mirror and saw all of me.

I thought about everything I had been through and how surprisingly this amazing person was still standing here on the other side of the wall staring back, fearless.

Sometimes we are moving so fast in life that we do not pause to see ourselves. When you see who you are, it helps you to appreciate just simply being you. Appreciating you puts a different view on your life and those involved in it. You have to get to a point where you love you so much that you will not allow anyone to walk into your life and treat you anything less than you would treat yourself.

Often we have been broken and hurt to the point where we stop looking at ourselves in the mirror. Each day becomes just another day because we have lost all feelings towards what is meaningful in our life. We have lost all meaning to who we truly are because we have entangled ourselves with the false images of what we assume is more loved and accepted by others.

We feel like the days are not the best if they are not spent with someone who can show you how amazing you are. When we encounter those who make us feel low and as if we are not a priority to them, it can weigh heavily on our conscience. Now we see in the mirror a person who is unworthy to be loved by anyone. We see a person that longs for acceptance in an often uncaring society. We figure maybe changing our looks, our hair, or our body will give us the acceptance we need to fit in with the "normal" world.

Its high time you go back in front of the mirror and take a look at the image before you.
See your worth, see your beauty, see that you are living the best days of your life and every minute that you are breathing is a reason to be joyful.

You do not need anyone to validate you. You do not need anyone to make you feel loved. You only need to love yourself and anyone who comes into your temple will be an addition to the love that is already being given.

There are some miserable and cruel people in the world. Their unhappiness with themselves can easily rub off on you. They often seek that energy boost to their ego by making someone else feel just as bad as they do. This is why it is important for you to love you so much to the point that your image of self is not easily changed or affected by the activity of others.

You are amazing!

Take a few minutes to go and stand bare before the mirror and admire who you are.

Introduce yourself back to you again.

Its time to start over and embrace you.
Remove anyone from your life who comes in to destroy you and steal your joy.

There is an image that is standing in the mirror....waiting to reconnect with you.
Somewhere along the lost yourself. Its okay and it happens but its time to reconnect.

 Its time to fall in love again with you. You deserve so much more than you allow for yourself.

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