"Love never fails. People fail love."
I believe we all have at least fallen in love at one point or another in our life. That love moment either helped us become better as a person or taught us a hard lesson.
I do believe that the idea of love has somewhat vanished. I have observed many who would rather have the physical intimacy rather than the mental and soulful connection.
I have had my share of bad encounters and for me love just seems to be almost as hopeful as waiting for a shooting star to cross the midnight skies.
I truly believe that enough bad encounters will leave any one person in a moment of despair and grief. The mind begins to wonder if love will ever happen and if they are even worthy of being loved. We observe love occurring in every aspect of our life and even on social media. We just can't seem to shake the images constantly appearing before our eyes. Images reminding us that our time for love has still not yet come.
In the hours of waiting or constantly running into dead end streets with those you assume are potential life partners. You begin to fear love. You begin to fear the idea of falling in love. You fear it because the thoughts of love have failed you time and time again. Each moment that you got motivated and built up the nerve to pursue again, you were disappointed with what was presented to you.

I want to encourage you to not give up.
I and many others have found ourselves in the same shoes that you are in now.
We all wanted to just say forget love and enjoy the single life doing however you please.
I want to share one of my favorite love stories in the bible.
Ruth and Boaz.
Ruth was not looking for a husband. She was still mourning the lost of her previous husband. She had relocated to a new place with her mother-n-law and her focus was mainly on making a living so that they could eat. Each day Ruth went out into the field to gather the remaining scraps that the other women had left behind. She was focus and not in search of anyone nor was she observing to see if anyone had taken notice of her.
Yet as she moved continuously through the fields. A man had taken notice of her. he observed her and began to inquire to other male workers about her. He started having the women to leave more food behind for her to gather in the field. Desiring to help this woman who was just focus on the scraps and getting by.
Ruth had no idea of the blessings this man was laying before her on her path daily. Needless to say Ruth went on to marry a man that she never knew noticed her or her hard work. Sometimes the ones you are paying attention to may not be the ones for you.
There is somebody who is taking notice of how hard you work and admires everything about you.
They might have not found the time to approach you but the blessings are definitely being laid down before you, just keep busy. Stay focus on what it is you are trying to pursue for yourself. Stop searching for love.
Let love find you. Let love observe you. Let love bless you.
The moment you stop fearing if it will ever happen for you, that will be the moment that it happens.
I know it hurts and sometimes you feel down and depressed but believe me, just because a few did not care for your time and affection does not mean nobody exists who will.
Remember that love did not fail you. People fail you. Love is going to happen for you really soon!
Your love story will be amazing and every heart break that you experienced will be a thing of the past. Don't let a few bad run ins cause you to change who you are nor give up.
I’ was in a relationship with a man with a young child, there were moments that I find it difficult to see my other half.He has the baby half the week and works the other half and although I know there’s not really a chance to see him when he’s working because he works “unsociable” hours, I feel guilty asking if he’s up to anything cause I don’t want to intrude on the time he has with her.But i came to realize that lack of moments together wasn't entirely because of the child or his job.He was also having affair with a co-worker who takes his spare times and made him end-up lying to me.All thanks to 'hackingloop6@ gmail . com' for their investigative and hacking service that helped me gain access to all his phone activities remotely,the feeling was so painful though,but better to live without the fear of looking on the face that constantly lies to you without remorse. hackingloop' is also available on +1 (6 1 2) 502 - 3647,reach out to him if you ar' facing similar situation