I remember years ago how Kanye West had a hit verse in his song "Gold Digger", where he states "So stick by his side
I know there's dudes balling and yeah that's nice
And they gonna keep calling and trying but you stay right girl
And when you get on he leave your ass for a white girl".
So basically he tells the black woman to stay right, but what did Kanye do once he made it to the top? Right. He went and got him a white girl. As have many of our brothers in the industry. They either get a white girl or find one that's Hispanic. How can we teach sisters to love themselves when the men show us daily how much they are not happy with us. I'm so tired of seeing us as black women run off to change our bodies, our hair and more just to impress men who really could care less about us. Men who deep down inside hate the color of their own skin.
Let me add that it is not every black man but it is enough of them. How can you hate the same black skin that you were born through. I could go down the list of Black celebrities who are married to white or Hispanic women. I'm sure behind the start of each, there was a black sister cheering them on to their path of success.
Then there are the jokes that all black women are angry. Many of them have a right to be emotionally angry because they get used to the max while trying to stay beside a brother and motivate him only for him to later leave them for someone else.
Then let the black woman get fed up and move on to dating a white man and suddenly they come out the woods with all the slave jokes and how we need to love our brothers.
I recently saw on twitter where Lil Kim had drastically made changes to her complexion. I was so shocked because you could barely recognize her. I remember years ago in the media how she stated that she never felt pretty enough for any guy. She stated how no matter how good she dressed or presented herself, she still got cheated on.

I love a recent video by Derrick Jaxn who spoke out a little about this issue. This issue deserves so much more exposure because its just sad how some black men treat black women.
They want to lust over the hips and breast of the black woman but when it comes to marriage they move on to a white girl. Many even say that they prefer white women because they don't do a lot of arguing. I think that is dumb because every woman will argue with you if you are in the wrong. I think many of them just grew up hating the color of their skin or feeling ugly on the inside. They felt that marrying a different race would help them produce some kids that they felt would not have to deal with the torment they went through growing up.
I think at the end of the day it is all about self hate.
You hate yourself so much that you feel like you need another race to make you feel good about yourself.
How can we teach our kids to love themselves when we do not even love ourselves. There was a time back in the 90s when black love was real and the men were not ashamed to sing about it. Now every song that comes on is against loving women. Its all about sexing them and tossing them to the side. They support more love for their male friends than they do for the woman.
Let me add that I am sure not every black man out here hates the black woman. Some just like what they like and you have every right to. I'm mainly speaking against the ones of bash black women daily in their status on social media and in their music.
I'm all for love of self. I hope that not just black women but all women love themselves no matter what a man attempts to do to break you down. What one man does not love, another man will treasure. If you change your appearance then let it be because you want to do it and not because some man made you feel un-pretty.
Love starts from the inside and works its way out.
If black men expect the love to be shown to them mutual then show us that you love us and stop degrading us and making us feel as if there is something wrong with the color of our black skin. Some of you love every race but your own and that is a huge problem of self hate.
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