I have definitely had my share of experiences with congratulating people on getting married only to see them filing for a divorce within two years and sometimes less than that. You sit back and observe couples of all ages happily rushing to plan for that wedding and all the while it seems that every guy you meet is just running in the opposite direction of settling down. Sure you begin to ask yourself if something is wrong with you and of course you ponder after a few lonely nights of popcorn on the couch, "Will It Ever Happen?". Well I'm here to say that its all worth the wait. You never want to just do something because you see others doing it. That's like planning to jump off the Manhattan Bridge just because you have heard about others who have. Despite your desire to one day tie the knot, you should take into consideration all the responsibilities that come with being married.

Many get married for the wrong reasons and later end up in divorce court when those qualities they married for begin to fall through the crevices. You may find him or her very attractive and at the moment you may say that you could never grow tired of looking at them. Yet time will surely bring about a change in physical features so you have to be sure that the person you are planning to marry has more meaning to you than just their looks or the shape of their body.

Does this person have a history of mental issues etc. The list can drag on forever but its all part of learning about this person before you dive into marriage. I see many women who marry out of loneliness and because they are financially struggling. These are all the wrong reasons to marry a person. If you did it for money then what will you do when he becomes broke or loses his job? If you married for good sex then what will you do if that person has an accident and can no longer perform?!

So this is why I wait.
I know exactly what I have prayed to God for and I won't settle for anything less than that. I don't want a man who simply loves my body and forgets to love my mind. I want a man who kisses my mental the same way he kisses my physical.

So no I'm not rushing this thing.
I'm taking my time no matter the age to patiently wait for that special guy who has a mutual desire as strong as mine to make our love last forever. We have to grow together as friends first before we can grow together as anything else.
I want that salt and pepper love, which means we will be together until his hair turns from pepper black to salty white!
Keep waiting ladies and gentlemen who really have a desire for an everlasting love and not something that's just going to last for a couple of springs.
There are reasons for waiting. Love is not supposed to be rushed. Take your time. There is a reason that the phrase, "falling in love" exists. This means that it occurs over a period of time. It doesn't just happen overnight. Too often we rush the love portion.
If you jump off a cliff, you won't hit the ground right away but eventually you will hit it and very hard. Love is just like falling off the cliff. Eventually it will hit you but in the mean time...enjoy the fall.
I cannot believe that I was stupid enough to put up with my ex's constant cheating and moaning for as long as I did – so shame on me for that. But shame on him for treating me like shit. And as hurt as I was when he left I can’t tell him how happy I am that he met that maggot infested skank who convinced him to leave me and live with her,After i confronted him with the proof of his infidelity.Thanks to "hackingloop6 @ gmail . com". for hacking his phone and gained me remote access to his phone activities. I'm so relieved that he is no longer my problem..hackingloop is also + 1 (612) 502 - 3647.contact him for any hacking assistance.