Every man wants to know what a woman is truly thinking. Do you remember the movie years ago back in 2000 starring Mel Gibson called "What Women Want"? Suddenly after an accident he is able to hear what women are thinking and this enables him to gain a sense of sensitivity towards women.
Well there will be no sensitivity in this article.
I really want the men to hear some of the crazy thoughts that we as women tend to encounter in the bedroom during that "magical" moment for men. I recently asked a few women to share their thoughts on this topic and was practically a bit surprised by the statements read. One reader explained that during bad sex she tends to think about shopping and what she wants to eat! Another chimed in by saying that, "If it's not good, I'm just wishing it was over".
I'm sure men all over love to have their ego stroked in the bedroom. The very idea of "putting it down" is his aim. The knowledge that he is satisfying her is a boost to his meter. Many women are fearful though of killing the man's pride by telling him that his performance is just plain old boring. Do you remember the scene from the movie, Color Purple where Celie is just laying there in the bed staring off while "Albert" is just priming away? Many women have mentioned that they can relate to just simply laying there and hoping for him to get up. Sadly some of these women are married.
Women have also stated that they hate when men say outrageous repetitious comments during sex like, "Who's your Daddy", or "Is it Mine"? I could add even hearing a guy once say, "I just want you to love me"! Men please be mindful of what you are saying because the ladies feel its a huge turn off if the sex is bad. Another female stated that "If the sex is good, then I'm not even thinking at all".
We as women think about a lot during that intimate session. Many of us even drift off to wondering if we could see ourselves dealing with the guy in the bedroom for the rest of our life. Many stated that even though they may really love the guy, it is terrible to think of a lifetime with bad sex.
Should sex be the only thing keeping a woman from saying, "I Do"?
For some women it is.
I heard a guy say its not about the size of the boat but its all about the motion in the ocean.
Well a lot of women believe the performance and size counts a great deal. Do the mini versions of anything ever sale on the menu? Not really.

Many women have mastered the art of faking. Many married women could teach a class on how to fake because some have been doing it for over 30 years.
Nothing can hurt a man's ego worse than telling him he is bad in the bedroom.
So what can men do to resolve these issues?
It's simple. Talk to your woman and find out what works for her in the bedroom. Be sure that the positions you find comforting are really positions that satisfy her. Every woman has a favorite position. So ask her what it is. It may not be about the size to you or her but even the smallest car can provide a great performance on the road if you get my drift.
Nothing is worse than a man getting a woman all worked up in the bedroom and being a disappointment or waste of time simply because nobody ever told him that he needed some lessons on how to satisfy a woman. Sex should be pleasurable and a stress reliever. Sex should not leave you more stressed than when you started because you are aggravated about your man's performance. Ladies be helpful by showing him what you like. Some men just seriously don't know what to do. Some men just get up there and hump away with no idea of exactly how things should go. Your man may honestly want to please you but he simply just doesn't know how because the only idea of sex he has is the porno's he has watched.
Also men you need to know that what worked for one woman will not work for the next.
Ladies don't just sit back and complain to your friends about your man. Take a step of love by talking to him in kind words about how you both can work to improve that moment of love. Use kind words, we don't want you destroying him for life!
I want you to have a healthier level of intimacy. So communicate more men with your female companion to be sure that she is satisfied just as much as you are.
Interesting topic......